
Based in Brisbane, Andy Pudmenzky is a marketing consultant with over two decades of experience in web technologies, marketing, graphic design, theatre audio / visual and event management. | More...

2017 SSAA Staff Retreat, Sydney

I recently had the pleasure of presenting at the Self Storage Association of Australasia’s (SSAA’s) 2017 “Staff Retreat”, which was held at the Novotel Sydney Central.

Following Susan’s introduction, I kicked off Day 1 with a session titled Marketing Strategies for the Self Storage Industry – where I took delegates through a storer’s customer journey, developed a content plan – then got into some interactive tasks where we created a video, a Facebook ad, and looked at a great way to capture online unit reservations from your website. Let’s take a look…


From Customer Journey to Content Plan

Every customer takes part in a journey (slide 6) as they research, select and eventually move into (and then out of) a self storage facility. To ensure a storer makes that journey with your self storage business, we need to ensure we attract them, convert them, close them and finally delight them.

We started off by looking at the journey a storer may take – and overlaid it with a number of touchpoints where our storage facility has a chance to interact with them in some fashion (slide 46) – thus allowing the storer to receive useful and interesting content during their lifecycle as a customer.


Knowing what journey a storer takes will ensure your self storage business can attract them.

With a basic content plan developed and mapped onto the various stages of the customer journey, we can get a much clearer picture as to the potential of a well written and well structured self storage marketing campaign: from the journey, right through to the content.

Of course, we can’t do everything at once – but use the plan as a guide to help you on your way to creating share-worthy, business-growing content for your self storage facility. Pick the most effective components (such as an exit survey) first, link them up to send automatically with your self storage management software and you’ll be on your way to improving the performance of your self storage facility marketing.



In the second half of the presentation I took delegates through creating a video ad (slide 56) for their self storage facility using Filmora – an easy-to-use video editing tool. I demonstrated how easy it was to import photos and music, add transitions between photos – and thanks to some help from the audience, we even recorded a voiceover for the end of the video as well. PS: To keep the filesize down, my slide deck below doesn’t include my “Filmora How-to” video – though you can watch it here on my other blog.

After rendering the completed video, it’s easy to share on your self storage facility website, upload it to YouTube (the world’s #2 search engine) or post it on social media. You could even use the video in a Facebook video ad.


Make your own self storage ad with Filmora.

Speaking of Facebook, I also took delegates through setting up a Facebook Audience (slide 60) to target users who may soon be moving house. By using Facebook’s sophisticated targeting tools, you can minimise cost and increase effectiveness by only targeting those who may need storage – as opposed to a traditional (and expensive) mass-marketing campaign that has a low success rate and a high cost per acquisition.

The session closed with a demonstration of the Storman Online Reservations add-on (slide 73). This is a great online marketing tool to ensure a potential storer can commit to your business right there and then on your website while their buying intent is high.

Thanks to everyone who attended the SSAA Staff Retreat last week – I hope you enjoyed my session! I’ve included my slide deck for download below. If you would like a hand with your self storage marketing or need a better-performing website for your self storage facility, please get in touch.


Download my Presentation

This is a rebranded version of my presentation from the 2017 SSAA Staff Retreat. PS: To keep the filesize down, my slide deck below doesn’t include my “Filmora How-to” video – though you can watch it here on my other blog.


Staff Retreat Photos

View my photos from the 2017 Staff Retreat.


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